A New Age in Agriculture: Feeding The World
The 2001 World Congress
May 20-22, 2001
St. Louis, Missouri

May 20, 2001 (Sunday)

Opening Ceremonies

12:30 p.m. Welcome
  The Honorable John C. Danforth
Chairman, Advisory Board,
World Agricultural Forum

The Governor of Missouri

1:00 p.m. The Contract Between Society and Agriculture
  Jacques Diouf, Director General
Food & Agriculture Organization of United Nations

1:30 p.m. World Leader Perspectives Food Security and Leveraging Internal Resources
  His Excellency, President Wade, President of Senegal
His Excellency, President Obasanjo, President of Nigeria
Megawati Soekarnoputri, Vice President, Indonesia
John Anderson, MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Australia
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Deputy Prime Minister, Thailand
Mykhailo Gladiy, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine
Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, European Union

3:30 p.m. Roundtable Discussion with World Leaders
  Moderator: Ms. Carole Brookins
Chairman & CEO, World Perspectives, Inc.

4:30 p.m. Foundation Funding Priorities and Strategies - tentative
Ex: Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Sloan, Pew
  Moderator: Dr. Norman Borlaug, Nobel Laureate (invited)

6:30 p.m. Gala Reception for Invited Guests Missouri Botanical Garden

May 21, 2001 (Monday)

Opening Plenary Session

8:00 a.m. Global Trends
Panel Chair: Mr. Gerard Viatte
Director for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, OECD
  World Supply and Demand Outlook
    Dr. Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Director General, IFPRI (invited)
Consumer Attitudes and Shifts
    Arnold Donald, Chairman & CEO, Merisant
Definition of the Ag Industry in 21st Century
    Michael D. Parker, President & CEO, Dow
Supplying Basic Needs - Nutrition & Food Security
    Hans Binswanger Rural Development Advisor, The World Bank (invited)
Food Sector Capitalizing on Economic Boom - Entering the 21st Century
Farmers Contribution to the Food Supply
    Gerard Doornbos, President
    International Federation of Agriculture Producers (invited)

9:00 Roundtable Discussion

9:30 Break

10:00 Critical Issues
Chair: Datuk Khor Chin Poey
Chairman and CEO, Oil Palms Berhad
    OECD (USA, Europe. Japan)
    Large Economy (China, India)
    Exporting Countries (Australia, Brazil, Malaysia)
    Countries with Undeveloped Resources (Indonesia, Phillipines)
    Countries with Huge Populations, Lack of Resources (Africa)
Food Security
Need for Level Playing Field

11:30 Roundtable Discussion

12:00 Buffet Lunch

1:00 Concurrent Sessions Begin

Chair: Ernie Micek, Chairman, Cargill
Urban-Rural Linkages
    Peter H. Hung, Chairman, Pearl River Distributing, Ltd.
Trade Liberalization, Restrictions and Subsidies
    Marta Lucia Ramirez de Rincon, Minister of Foreign Trade
    Republic of Colombia
Technology advances reach all economies equally
    Mark Drabenstott, Vice President and Economist
    Federal Reserve bank of Kansas City
Food safety standards
    Jack M. Greenberg, Chairman & CEO
    McDonalds Corporation (invited)
Business and Investments
    Volodymyr Ignaschenko, Director of Directorate of
    Ministry of Economy, Ukraine


  The Role of the Small Farmer in the Global Economy
    Ing. Antonio Ruiz Garcia, Director General
    Fundacion Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural, A.C.
Systems, networks, cross-border relationships
    Peter Raven, PhD., Director, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nutritional Needs
    Dr. Suresh Babu, Research Fellow, IFPRI
Women and Agriculture

3:00 Break

3:30 Concurrent Sessions Continue

Chair: The Honorable Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti
Ambassador of Indonesia
  Water Supply and Responsibility
    World Resources Institute
    John Deere
Role of Wireless Technology in Developing Economies
    John D. Zeglis, Chairman & CEO, AT&T Wireless
IT and Education
    Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft (invited)
Linking to other sectors
    Hendrik Verfaillie, President, Monsanto (invited)
    United States Trade Representative

  Are Trade Liberalization and Food Security Compatible?
Economic Drivers / Economic Development
New Uses and New Markets
    C.S. Prakash, Tuskegee University
Using National Resources to Advance Economic Development
    Datuk Khor Chin Poey, Former CEO, PPB Oil Palms Berhad

5:30 Break

7:30 Gala Reception

May 22, 2001 (Tuesday)

8:00 a.m. Agri-Food Supplier - Needs/Priorities for the 21st Century
Ex: Carrefours, Aldi, Safeway

9:00 a.m. Plenary Reports - Session Chairman

9:30 Roundtable Reports - Concurrent Session Chairman

10:00 Break

10:30 Society and Agriculture - The Social Contract
Chair: Charles Riemenschneider, Director
Liaison Office North America, Food & Agriculture Organization, UN
  Speakers - NGOs

12:00 Roundtable Discussion

12:30 Lunch

1:00 National Directions and Policies
Secretaries and Ministers of Agriculture or Trade

  Invited participants to date:

Dr. Francisco Jose Gurria Trevino,
    Undersecretary for Agriculture and Livestock, Mexico
Antonio Berhongaray,
    Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries & Food, Argentina
Warren Truss, MP
    Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia
Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes
    Agricultura e do Abastecimento Ministro, Brazil
Lyle Vanclief
    Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada
Dr. Bungaran Saragih
    Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Indonesia
Ivan Kyrylenko
    Minister of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Husnu Yusuf Gokalp
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Turkey
Mr. Le Huy Ngo
    Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam
Mr. Miguel Arias Canete
    Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Spain

3:00 Break

3:30 National Directions and Policies Continued
Secretaries and Ministers of Agriculture

5:00 Roundtable Discussions

6:00 Final Remarks

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