
The World Agricultural Forum is an independent organization created to meet the urgent need for open debate and discussion of providing food, fiber and fuel for everyone. It will serve as a continuing dynamic forum for world leaders in industry, government, academia, NGOs and IGOs.
Established in 1997, the World Agricultural Forum brings together, in a biennial global Congress, experts from all sectors responsible for providing for the world's growing population. It provides a neutral assemblage in which world authorities can examine all the links in this intricate system and their interrelationships. It is also intended as an opportunity for individual members to form new alliances, associations and initiatives.
 The WAF aspires to be the foremost global facilitator of thoughts and ideas leading to better informed decision-making by agricultural leaders from business, academia, and government and advocacy organizations whose work is to advance solutions to the critical issues facing the agriculture industry. Global leaders and institutions will recognize the World Agricultural Forum as the locus of information, a source for access, and a catalyst for change to meet the world's need for nutritious food, fiber, and fuel.
 WAF's mission is to provide a neutral forum for the discussion, research and communication of global agricultural issues and policies with the goal of providing nutritious food, fiber and fuel to everyone on earth in an environmentally sustainable manner. The Forum seeks to be inclusive in its activities, offering all countries, all segments of agriculture, and other stakeholders the opportunity to participate.
 World Agricultural Forum One Metropolitan Square, Suite 1300 St. Louis, MO 63102 U.S.A.
A U.S. 501(c)(3) Corporation