John C. Danforth
Chairman and Former U.S. Senator
Roger N. Beachy, Ph.D.
President, Donald Danforth Plant Sciences Center
The Honorable Christopher S. Bond
U.S. Senator
Carole L. Brookins
Chairman and CEO,
World Perspectives, Inc.
Mr. Ray Cesca
President & CEO
Global Alliance for Economic Advancement
Mr. Noel Devisch
President of the Belgian Boerenbond
President of COPA
The Honorable
Richard A. Gephardt
U.S. Congressman,
House Minority Leader
C. Boyden Gray
Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
Dr. Thomas S. Haggai
Chairman and CEO, IGA, Inc.
Peter H. H. Hung
Chairman, Pearl River Distributing, Ltd.
Mr. Sharad Joshi
Shetkari Sanghatana
Angarmala Village, Ambethan, India
Dr. David Kipnis
Distinguished University Professor of Medicine,
Washington University School of Medicine
Mr. John E. Klein
President and CEO
Bunge Corporation
Mr. Hugo Daniel Krajnc
Public Affairs Director
Cargill, S.A.C.I.
Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti
His Excellency the
Ambassador of Indonesia
Dr. Victor L. Lechtenberg
Dean of Agriculture,
Purdue University
Mr. Ernest S. Micek
Chairman of the Board,
Cargill, Inc.
Dr. Thomas L. Payne
Dean of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Director of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Missouri
Datuk Khor Chin Poey
Chairman and Chief Executive,
PPB Oil Palms Berhad
Ms. Marta Lucia Ramirez de Rincon
Minister of Foreign Trade
Republic of Colombia
Charles H. Riemenschneider
Director, Liaison Office for North America,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Hendrik A. Verfaillie
Monsanto Company
Gerard Viatte
Director for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Dr. Kazuo N. Watanabe Honorary Fellow and Liaison
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)
Theodore Wetterau
Chairman, Wetterau Associates