You are invited to attend the 2001 Congress of the World Agricultural Forum to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, May 20 to 22. This meeting will bring together, in a venue unique to global agriculture, leaders and decision makers who can advance mankind's ability to feed the world.
As a participant at the Congress, you will have an opportunity to join with other world leaders to identify and discuss issues critical to agriculture and food distribution as well as our common commitment to insure adequate food and fiber for a growing world population. We anticipate that these discussions will lead to the development of initiatives to resolve these issues.
The agenda for the 2001 Congress goes to the heart of the profound challenges facing global agriculture today--challenges made even more daunting by a world population that grows nearly a quarter of a million people every day and will exceed six billion by the end of 2001.
Serving at the invitation of the Advisory Board of Directors of the World Agricultural Forum, presenters and panel members at the Congress will represent the finest minds in global agriculture. They will address both short-term and long-term implications of worldwide agricultural policies and strategies. The comprehensive scope of the meeting ranges from global demand and economics to health and nutrition to sustainability and the environment.
The World Agricultural Forum was created to provide a continuing, neutral arena for the discussion of world agriculture by experts from across disciplines and national borders. With the involvement and support of participants such as you, the 2001 Congress can achieve its potential as a forum for airing global agricultural issues and developing solutions for the future. I look forward to meeting you in May.

John C. Danforth